Friday 4 November 2011

Oi ! Oi ! Aloe Vera

Image sourced from ""
Aloe vera is a miracle ingredient for restoring the natural balance and improving the health of your skin. It is also a perfect hair care product.
This makes it a favorite organic ingredient in face care, body care and hair care products.
It is my personal favorite because it has scar reducing properties.
Like water is the elixir of life for us, aloe vera is the elixi-gel of life for the skin.
Its so perfect.
Just keep applying it frequently especially on dry skin or troubled skin and stay cool.
A tip - it works wonders if refrigerated.
Aloe, ice and everything nice !!
To know more you can check this place out


elsa john said...

I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a fantastic post and a all
fruit of the earth aloe vera gel

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