Tuesday 8 November 2011

CTM - Why? ( Cleanse Tone Moisturize)

Image sourced from chiclooking.co.in

  Why is it important to cleanse, tone and moisturize your face?
Facial skin is most vulnerable to the effects of our life style - whether we are holed up in an air conditioned office all day or we're out in the sun for most of the day.
I keep my routine simple but I do it everyday - cleanse, tone and moisturize (CTM)

  1. Cleansing - here you use a face wash or cleanser that suits your skin the best and apply it to your wet face in circular motions all around  ( don't skip the hair line) and on your neck. Once you're done splashing about you realize that the layer of excess oil, dust and grime is visibly reduced apart from the psychological effect of feeling fresh as a daisy?
Feel like your skin is too dry or non oily? Try a cream based face wash - its an important step in restoring your natural oil balance while you cleanse your face

2. Toning - once your face is feeling soft as a petal right after you pat it dry, you realize that you can now see all those trouble spots, maybe you have open pores, maybe you have a little nasty zit popping up, maybe your make up was too resilient - you need to tone your skin to restore the natural Ph balance of your skin, address those open pores, get rid of remnants of your day's make up or the cleanser you used even!

3. Moisturizing - before your toner dries up its important to seal in the moisture with a luscious moisturizer. You can use anything that suits your mood, ensure your toner is not jealous. I have combination skin and I used to skip this step till I realized that its almost like a crime, its like treating your skin to a full course meal without dessert. 
You must moisturize, if your skin is too oil, try water based products.

CTM must be accompanied with some good mental energy exercises as well otherwise its a waste!
1. Cleanse  - while cleansing, please rid your mind of all the negative thoughts you have - its toxic to feel bad about yourself. While you're cleansing your face, get rid of the day's toxins. Here you must tell your self " I'm opening myself up to receive love"

2. Toning - Now you've got to attack those deep rooted toxins, if there's too many things from the past that are troubling you, just dig them out from every inch of your skin. Get rid of those resilient emotional toxins that your mind is holding on to. Tell yourself "I'm freeing myself from all emotional baggage" 

3. Moisturizing - soothe your mind with some love. Tell yourself " I approve of myself, I love myself" 

Go girl go !!!!


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